Pack 184 Picnic
May 19 @ 6:30 am - 8:30 pm

Pack 184 is celebrating the end of the Scouting year!
Come join us on Monday May 19 @ 6:30pm at Community Park in Manheim Township.
This is a potluck bbq/picnic where all scouts, family and friends of Pack 184 are invited to come out and enjoy food, a kickball game and celebrate the year with our last Pack Meeting and Year-End Awards.
Pack 184 will supply the main meal (Grilled Chicken), plates, utensils and napkins; but, if you can each sign up to bring something to share with the Pack that would be appreciated.
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080E4BA9AA2BA2FA7-54011098-pack#/
Please contact John Dennis with any questions at cubpack184@gmail.com