Pack 184 Leadership

Adult Leaders
The leadership for Cub Scouts are entirely volunteer positions consisting of a Cubmaster who leads the Pack, Asst. Cubmaster/s, Den Leaders/Asst. Den Leaders (who lead each den), a Pack Committee (a group of parents who volunteer to help steer the direction of the pack through leadership positions – Committee Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Recruiting, Advancement, Popcorn Sales and Pinewood Derby).

Pack 184 Leadership
Cubmaster – John Dennis
Lion Den (Kindergarten) – Will Gooding
Tiger Den (1st Grade) – Matthew Whitaker
Wolf Den (2nd Grade) – John Dennis
Bear Den (3rd Grade) – Justin Inners
Webelos (4th Grade) – Patrick Carney
Arrow of Light (5th Grade) – Dan LeFever
Pack 184 Committee
Committee Chair – Will Gooding
Secretary – Olivia Cordero
Treasurer – Tim Miller
Advancement – Matthew Whitaker
Recruiting – John Dennis
Popcorn Sales – Kristyn Gooding
Pinewood Derby – Vacant
Clearances & Trainings
Cub Scouts places a huge emphasis on leaders creating a safe and supportive environment for scouts to learn and grow. In keeping with this mission and values, Cub Scouts requires it’s leaders to obtain the following background clearances and training –
3 Clearances that are Needed for Den Leaders
2. Child Abuse Clearance History from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
3. Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers
Scroll to bottom of the page and look for the link.
When all 3 are completed, save the PDFs and go to this website to submit them to the Pennsylvania Dutch BSA Council:
Click on the very first blue button that says “Upload All Background Checks-First Time User”

Within My Power
by Forrest Witcraft
I am not a Very Important Man, as importance is commonly rated, I do not have great wealth, control a big business, or occupy a position of great honor or authority.
Yet I may someday mold destiny. For it is within my power to become the most important man in the world in the life of a boy. And every boy is a potential atom bomb in human history.
A humble citizen like myself might have been the Scoutmaster of a Troop in which an undersized unhappy Austrian lad by the name of Adolph might have found a joyous boyhood, full of the ideals of brotherhood, goodwill, and kindness. And the world would have been different.
A humble citizen like myself might have been the organizer of a Scout Troop in which a Russian boy called Joe might have learned the lessons of democratic cooperation.
These men would never have known that they had averted world tragedy, yet actually they would have been among the most important men who ever lived.
All about me are boys. They are the makers of history, the builders of tomorrow. If I can have some part in guiding them up the trails of Scouting, on to the high road of noble character and constructive citizenship, I may prove to be the most important man in their lives, the most important man in my community.
A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. But the world may be different, because I was important in the life of a boy.